Electronic Enclosures: | Copper Clad Laminates | Connector and Electronic Housing | Wire & Cable | Insulation Film | Lighting Diffusers
Insulation Film
Halogen Free
Maintains Host Properties
Reliable FR
The addition of traditional flame retardants is known to cause PET polyester films to loose clarity and reduce overall performance.
To enable PET polyester films to maintain their performance and reliability characteristics, Nofia flame retardant additives are the only solution to enable VTM-0 BOPET film as thin as 12µm, with 95% luminous transmittance and 0.5% haze. As result, for the first time, users can have superior performance VTM-0 clear BOPET film with only a fraction of the cost of other inherently flame retardant commercial polymer films.
Non-halogen and non-migrating
VTM0 (12-200µm), V0 (0.4-4mm)
Maintain transparency, 95% luminous transmittance, 0.5% haze
No negative performance impact on host polymer
Consistence in FR property
Commercially adopted and customer products acquired UL certificates
Only with Nofia materials can thin, transparent FR BOPET films be obtained.
Balance of cost/performance of FR transparent BOPET is superior to polycarbonate (PC), polyimide (PI) and polyether imide (PEI) films allowing an expansion of the market for Nofia enabled FR BOPET
Wire and Cable Wrap
Battery label
Flexible print circuits
Target Polymer Systems
Polyethylene terephthalate (PET)
Standard Compliance
VTM0 (15-200µm)